When it comes to ailments, a bad hip is often considered as one that’s reserved for the elderly. Similar to losing hair and gaining dentures, a bad hip just seems like something that younger people won’t suffer from, but in fact it’s a very serious injury that can happen at any age, and is often brought on through active sports. All it takes is a bad fall during a game or even a slip whilst walking, and if you land a certain way you can easily sustain significant damage to the bone and joint.
A serious issue
A wounded hip is a very painful matter that can cause long-term health problems if not seen to immediately and treated effectively. From aches and stiffness to trouble moving and driving, it’s amazing how this seemingly simple impairment can affect your life on a large scale. Unfortunately, accidents do happen and it’s impossible to avert them all, but what each of us can do is take steps to keep our hips healthy and strong, helping to prevent critical injury.
Daily measures
We’ve all heard the saying “a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips”, but weight management affects this area of the body more than you may realise. Being overweight means that the hips undergo more stress that they’re designed for, even when you’re standing still. By maintaining a healthy diet, you’ll be helping to redistribute not only your weight, but the strain that it has on key skeletal and muscular regions.
Adding to the susceptibility of the hips is their inadvertent neglect during exercise, even by some gym enthusiasts. It’s very important to achieve a balanced workout, especially seeing how missing out the area around the hips can cause irregular muscle movement and lead to cartilage damage. Stronger hip muscles also mean that the bones themselves are better protected, proving beneficial to the core.
In addition, Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids help your hips to remain strong and flexible into later life, so make nutritional supplements part of your health regime.
The benefits of physiotherapy
If you’re suffering from a hip problem, even if it’s just a minor soreness or sporadic twinge, leaving it unchecked is strongly discouraged. Warning signs should be acted upon in a timely fashion, and Physio Med professionals are always available to help. It could be that a part of your everyday lifestyle or the absence of a preventative measure is causing the problem, in which case we may prescribe a simple exercise plan or health suggestion. If the problem is more deeply rooted, it may be that you require some manual therapy, in which case you will quite literally be in the best hands.
We want you to enjoy your games of football and rugby, your self-defence classes and your morning jog, so rather than stopping the activities that may lead to accidents, make your body as protected against them as possible. And if you do injure yourself in any way, get in touch and we’ll happily answer any questions you may have about whether physiotherapy is right for you.
For more information or to contact Physio Med:
Tel: 0113 229 1300
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