New Year, New You
You’re bound to put on a pound or two over the festive period, a result of cutting down on the exercise whilst accepting every chocolate that’s offered. Then the New Year arrives and you dedicate yourself, at least for a few weeks, to achieving a “new you” that’s slimmer, fitter and happier. New Year’s resolutions are all well and good, but our physiotherapists are here to help you understand the importance of a year-round healthy lifestyle that still saves room for a few mince pies at Christmas.
Finding the time
There’s always a hard-core exercise regime and bizarre diet doing the rounds, especially in January. You may even find the time and motivation to give one a go, but usually this will only last for a short while because it turns out to be impractical. At Physio Med, we’re passionate about a fitness routine that’s tailored to you personally, taking into account your requirements, level of physical ability, and even your daily schedule.
It’s not just about the body
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will of course help to keep your body strong and flexible, but there’s more to it than that. A customised exercise routine can benefit your energy levels, sleeping patterns, mental health, cognitive abilities, concentration, bone density and the amount of oxygen in your blood. Some activities, such as walking and swimming, can also be shared with a friend, proving an enjoyable and productive use of your time.
Combating health problems
As if all of the above isn’t reason enough to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, it can also help to alleviate and prevent numerous health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, obesity, depression and high blood pressure. Talking to your physiotherapist about your current condition will help them to create your tailored plan.
Are there any risks?
If you consult with one of our experienced physiotherapists and stick to the type and frequency of exercise that they recommend, you should find that you reap the benefits without straining yourself. If at any point an exercise routine seems to be more difficult than before, we can have another friendly chat to work out a new one.
How Physio Med can help
Our skilled and helpful physiotherapists are here to create a fitness plan that’s ideally suited to you. Contact Physio Med for professional advice and customised tips on how to stay fit, healthy and happy year after year.
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Email: customerservices@physiomed.co.uk