A Bradford-based healthcare and social housing organisation has recorded huge increases in productivity as a result of making Occupational Physiotherapy available to employees.
Through working with Physio Med since 2009, the Employee Health and Wellbeing department at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust has made fast track access to physiotherapy available to the 2,800 staff at Bradford District Care Trust and another 1,200 at Incommunities.
Bradford District Care Trust reported a 60 per cent increase in productivity among those who received treatment in 2013. The patients, including school and district nurses, social workers, and healthcare support workers, also reported an average reduction in pain of 68 per cent.
At Incommunities, which is one of the largest social housing providers in Yorkshire and the Humber, Physio Med received referrals for 76 employees in 2013. Following treatment, productivity amongst the patients increased by 31% and they reported a 64% reduction in pain.
Following this success Leeds-based Physio Med, one of the UK’s leading physiotherapy providers, has recently signed a new contract with Airedale NHS Foundation Trust who provides health and wellbeing services to employees of large local healthcare and social housing organisations
Working with the Trust’s Employee Health and Wellbeing department, Physio Med, which has a UK-wide network of 2,500 senior Chartered Physiotherapists in 780 approved practices, provides a fast track system which promises an initial contact call within just four hours of the condition being reported. Physio Med guarantee patients an appointment at one of its practices within five working days but are currently making appointments available within just two working days.
Joanne Hoban, Acting Head of Service at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, said: “The employees at Incommunities and Bradford District Care Trust all provide vital community services and it is in everyone’s interests to ensure they are fighting fit and able to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.
“By the nature of many of the roles within those organisations the employees can be susceptible to musculoskeletal injuries and in fact across the two organisations approximately two thirds of those employees who sought treatment had conditions that were work related or work aggravated. By working with Physio Med we are able to provide fast track access to physio treatment and help them to reduce the pain of these conditions and get back to work as quickly as possible so we are delighted to be able to continue to provide this service.”
For more information or to contact Physio Med:
Tel: 0113 229 1300
Website: Contact Us Form